My Why
Change was thrust upon me. I think I knew I needed to change but needed something big and traumatic to happen to push me to make those changes. My aim now is to help people make those vital changes without the need for something drastic to happen.
I was that classic image of a stressed out working mum. My job and my daughter took up my every waking hour with sleep lost due to stress and worry. Working long hours in a demanding job was leaving me exhausted and playing havoc with my physical and mental health. It’s a very familiar picture that a huge number of people around the country would recognise when they look in the mirror. Then my daughter became seriously ill. Everything changed.

Things you thought were vitally important become inconsequential and your whole perspective changes. To my huge relief – and gratitude to the staff at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital and St George’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit – my daughter recovered but the experience of seeing her through the illness left me with PTSD, anxiety & depression. This, finally, made me realise that my wellbeing was important too and without it I couldn’t be as much of a help to my daughter, and now son too, as I’d like to be.
Floatation therapy, yoga and meditation all helped me recover from PTSD and had such a profound effect on me that I built a business around them. Now, I want to use my extensive training in Behavioural Therapy to help people make the changes they need to make without the need for a huge terrifying wake up call like I received.
Running The Float Spa has really confirmed my belief that floatation, yoga and other therapies like massage can make a huge positive difference to people’s lives. I’ve seen people suffering from all kinds of long term health problems see a huge improvement in their symptoms and lots of people who were stressed out, just like I was, find relief. �
It was seeing people make big changes in their lifestyles from initially doing one positive thing like trying floating or doing one yoga class a week that inspired me to explore how change works and discovered the BJ Fogg model for change.

Float training academy
Since opening The Float Spa in 2015, it’s very evident there is a gap in the market for a centre that offers the ability to train the future wellbeing professionals. I stumbled across a location above The Float Spa and in January 2020, I was able to launch Float Training Academy.
This stunning space is the home to a wide range of training courses, including my own Business Training Courses for wellbeing professionals, yoga teachers and those in the Float Industry.